Tutorial: JupyterLab Analytics on Google Cloud Platform

The $300 worth of credits seemed like a good reason to try out Google Cloud Platform for my prototype analytics stack. This is tutorial on how to set that up.

Filtering LinkedIn Job Alerts with Serverless Python.

How I built myself a service that filters LinkedIn job alerts by description language.

Command-Line Cartography for a UK Election

Create a map of the UK constituencies ready for election night.

Tutorial: Mapping cycling times to BSN Vlaskamp

My experiment in using Google Distance Matrix API and Observable Notebooks to map out cycling times to BSN campus Vlaskamp.

Reviewing the FiveThirtyEight House Forecast 2018

Understanding the how the models faired in predicting voteshare in the 2018 mid-terms

Open Data: Katine Style!

Whenever things seem to be getting too complicated I tried to think back to this example of open data from the Katine project in Uganda.